Thursday, February 12, 2009


So for the past few months I've woken up everyday and after either a, thinking 7:30am is way too early for class or b, weighing up my options over what to eat for breakfast, I ask myself the same question: do I still want that comic book guy from The Simpsons tattoo?

It's either that or Bruce Campbell. At the same time I think to myself, 'yeah that will be really sweet, no one has anything like that' and I'll probably get it on the back of my thigh as who ever looks there? In fact, I don't even think I can twist my neck that far to see round there.

I guess every one's tattoos mean something to them; they have some sort of sentimental or inherent value and that's fair enough. But seriously, who would get a tertiary character from a steadily declining cartoon show inscribed to their body for the remainder of their life? Me.

I guess said character embodies most of the principles and standards I follow in my own life. Living here in California for the next few months is also reason enough for me to invest in something I see as a somewhat glorified souvenir...

For now, until I think of something even cooler than an overweight cartoon character I guess I'm all set...

Jonty x



    I feel as though this outline would pretty much say everything you need to say.
