Friday, February 13, 2009


So, in class today we yet again began discussing Pepsi's latest advertising campaign and their subsequent 'new logo' to go along with it . Following on from this, my professor loaded onto the display, the Arnell Group's 'Breathtaking' pdf file of all thing wonderful and weird.

'Breathtaking' theorises consumers will feel a gravitational pull elicited by the new logo, one that will lead such individuals to fill its shopping carts with Pepsi. At its most extreme, the document compares the reimagined Pepsi globe logo to the Earth's magnetic fields and the sun's radiation. "Emotive forces shape the gestalt of the brand identity," are just some examples of the language choices in this document...

Whether this whole thing is a hoax or not is another question. Personally, I had a lot of fun reading this thing and find it quite hard to believe that an account worth $1.2bn would conjure up something like this but then again, what has Burger King got its ad agency doing here?!

At the end of the day, whether it's a hoax or not, I actually quite like the new Pepsi logo. I even thought their Superbowl ads this year were pretty sweet but I seem to be alone on that one...

Anyway, you check the actual pdf document out for yourself here.

Jonty x

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