Monday, February 8, 2010


I feel that I have a perfectly legitimate excuse for my lack of postings on this blog; my dissertation. Whilst I am only 5000 words into the requested 8-10k word paper, it has admittedly consumed me. Before class began last September I decided it was something I wanted to do and went to my advisor with the aim of addressing Coca Cola Corp's take on the wonderful notion of corporate social responsibility. Come November, with nothing written, and two more meetings with my advisor I began to debate whether Coca Cola's ethical doings were indeed where I wanted to take my discussion. Then I read this.

I guess I've had somewhat of turnaround with regard to what I'm writing now. In effect--and when this piece of work is handed in--I'll have a sort of green marketing framework. I'm yet to fully decide on a title for my dissertation but I definitely want it to suggest an analysis or recognition if you will of the interface between marketing and the myriad of green issues we currently face. Even those without a specifically academic background in marketing theory could tell me that such an interface, through common sense, flags up a few problems. One wants us to consume more (and indeed fuels it) whilst the other wants us to consume less. I guess that's exactly what I want to answer though...

Perhaps when I'm done I'll make it available on here as PDF? Let me know if you're interested!

Jonty x

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